Workout-a-thon Fundraiser
Please contact your local Revolution football player to place pledges.
Pushup’s pledge – number of pushups a player can do in a minute.
Set-ups pledge – number of set-ups a player can do in a minute.
Planks pledge – length of plank.
How to get pledges:
Players (with the help of parents) can go door to door, Facebook, or ask family members to pledge a donation for however many push-ups, set ups, or how long they can plank.
How it works:
Players will get people signed up to pledge a set amount per workout. They can choose which ever pledge or all of them it doesn’t matter. At the day of our meet and greet, the players will perform each exercise, with coaches there to make sure they are done correct and record results. After the performance day, the players will inform their pledges of what they did, and collect money, to be turned in to the team. Winners will be announced on the first day of practice.
Ex-1. Timmy gest his neighbor to donate $1 per push-up he does. On performance day Timmy gives his pledge paper to the team and does 30 pushups. He then collects the $30 from his neighbor and donates the money to the team.
Ex-2. Timmy gest his Grandma to donate $2 per set-up he does. On performance day Timmy gives his pledge paper to the team and does 10 set-ups. He then collects the $20 from his grandma and donates the money to the team.
Ex-3. Timmy gest his moms’ boss to donate $10 per min. planks. On performance day Timmy gives his pledge paper to the team and planks for 2min 15 sec. He then collects the $22.5 from his neighbor and donates the money to the team.
If Timmy gets all 3 pledges, he would bring in $72.5 total for the team.
Winners will get 1 practice off from conditioning for - most money raised, most push-ups, most set-ups, or longest planks
Grand champion (win all 4): Gets to pie in the face 4 coaches of their choice, and 4 practices out of conditioning.